
Paysalia 2025

From December 02, 2025 until December 04, 2025
Lyon - Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Franza
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Paysalia exhibition | Paysalia 2025

Paysalia hija l-wirja ewlenija għall-pajsaġġ. Aħna ħerqana li nilqgħuk lura fl-2025 fl-edizzjoni li jmiss. GRAZZI GĦAL EDIZZJONI KBIRA. Sib il-lista għall-2023. REPLAY WIRJA. KONNESSJONI SEMPLIĊI U VELOĊI. Sib il-wirjiet li ġejjin tagħna. Il-fossa tas-siġar ta’ Stokkolma hija teknika biex tingħata spinta lit-tkabbir tas-siġar urbani. X'jiġri kieku jintużaw parassiti ta 'benefiċċju biex jeliminaw il-caterpillars dik il-purċissjonarju?

Stay informed 0 Exhibitors and Brands 0% International Exhibitors (+104.5% compared to 2021) 0 Conferences and Workshops Conducted 0.0 Professional VisitorsCkeditor*Paysalia and Rocalia 2023 figuresCkeditorTHANK YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL EDITION! Stay informed 0 Exhibitors and Brands 0 % International Exhibitors (+104.5% compared to 2021) 0 Conferences and Workshops Conducted 0 Professional VisitorsCkeditor*Paysalia and Rocalia 2023 figuresCkeditorTHANK YOU FOR THIS WONDERFUL EDITION! Paysalia and Rocalia are the two most important exhibitions for the natural stone and landscaping sectors, organized together. Over the years, these two events have become the favorite breathing moments for passionate professionals. RELIVE THE EXHIBITION ON REPLAY Access all the conference replays in one place. access the newsroomCkeditor.CkeditorPaysalia CONNECT The essential digital tool to prepare for your exhibition, facilitate your connections, and save time during your visit. A SIMPLE & FAST CONNECTION Download the application via Google Play or the App StoreProvide your registration email to receive the magic linkCreate your password and access the application CkeditorLearn more CkeditorFIND OUR UPCOMING EXHIBITIONS January 23-24, 2024 Eurexpo, Lyon - France January 30 - February 1, 2024 Porte de Versailles, Paris - France February 6-9, 2024 Eurexpo, Lyon - France June 5-6, 2024 Parc des Expositions, Strasbourg - France November 19-22, 2024 Eurexpo, Lyon - France March 25-27, 2025 Eurexpo, Lyon - France Discover greentech+Ckeditorsponsors news Thursday February 29, 2024The Stockholm tree pit, a technique that boosts urban tree growth Read Thursday February 29, 2024What if beneficial nematodes were used to eliminate processionary caterpillars? Read Wednesday February 14, 20203 Innovations for green spaces at Paysalia, 2023: Optimizing water use Read more newsAny questions? Your last name, Your name, Your company's name and function Phone number or Email Your message. I confirm that I have read the privacy policy and the terms and conditions. According to Law No. In accordance with Law No.

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Lyon - Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Franza Lyon - Lyon, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Franza


800 Karattri xellug