
Entech Roadshow Brisbane 2024

From October 08, 2024 until October 08, 2024
Brisbane - Brisbane Showgrounds, Queensland, l-Awstralja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

| Entech Roadshow

The AV Industry's touring trade show. Explore the Post-Converged AV World. Attend our Entech Community events in Sydney, Melbourne, or Brisbane. Reach out to more buyers & specifiers. Entech Established 1993. Expanding Tech Talks. Who is our target audience? Since 2012, we have conducted roadshows across the country covering nearly 500,000 km. "Nothing is too hard for our exhibitors or valued trade guests."

It-Roadshow ENTECH, l-uniku tradeshow għal professjonisti fit-teknoloġiji AV u tad-divertiment li jżur il-bliet ewlenin Awstraljani kollha, joffri aktar opportunitajiet ta’ negozju. ENTECH Roadshow se jżur Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Adelaide u Perth fl-2023. Dan l-avveniment se jġib perspettiva ġdida għas-swieq lokali.

L-industrija tagħna, kif ikkonfermat mill-ISE f'Barċellona 2023, daħlet f'fażi ġdida li nsejħulha 'post-konverġenza'. Il-komunikazzjonijiet unifikati tad-dinjiet u l-IT, kif ukoll l-AV, id-dawl u l-vidjo, l-awdjo, is-sinjali, il-waqfien u l-kontroll, għaddew mill-fażi tat-tranżizzjoni biex isiru kkontrollati minn softwer u f'netwerk. Issa qed jidħlu fi stadju ġdid fejn qed joħorġu prodotti u mudelli kummerċjali ġodda.

Manufacturers who once focused on live performances or recordings are now developing products for corporate meeting spaces. Companies that once created platforms for digital signs now offer room control and corporate communication. Lighting companies, which power stadium gigs of huge proportions, are now creating architectural products that are networked. At the heart of it all, the customer - whether they are an installer, production company, or consultant - is also a part IT manager, and is concerned with the integration as a system.

Viżti: 1988

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'Entech Roadshow Brisbane

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Brisbane - Brisbane Showgrounds, Queensland, l-Awstralja Brisbane - Brisbane Showgrounds, Queensland, l-Awstralja


800 Karattri xellug