
ĦARSA 2025

From April 05, 2025 until April 06, 2025
Poznań - Fiera internazzjonali ta' Poznan, Voivodeship tal-Polonja l-Kbira, il-Polonja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Targi fryzjerskie LOOK | Poznań

This year's edition is here! Check out the LOOK & beautyVISION fairs in 2023. Happy Easter in 2024. Happy Easter 2024. We have now completed the next edition of LOOK and BeautyVISION Fairs! Who is allowed to enter the Fair March 2-3? Media Partners for the LOOK and BeautyVISION 2024 Fair. Industry Evening 2020. Port Solacz is the ideal place to meet fair guests. List of Brands and Exhibitors 2024.

We would like to thank everyone who took part in this weekend of unique emotions. We are indescribably happy to be able to share these wonderful moments with a community as warm and welcoming as this. We are looking forward to the next meeting.

We thank you for your unforgettable memories during the LOOK & beautyVISION Fairs where we created them together! We invite you...

How to enter the LOOK & beautyVISION fairs without problems and efficiently!

The LOOK and BeautyVISION fairs have started a collaboration with inspiring partners from both the beauty industry and beyond.

The LOOK & beautyVISION 2024 industry fair is an exclusive event that provides representatives from the beauty industry an unforgettable experience.

Port Solacz is a perfect place to host a breakfast, lunch or dinner for business, as well as a private meeting.

Plan your visit to the LOOK and BeautyVISION 2024 events! Find out what brands and companies you can expect to find at this year's event...

Tickets for the LOOK & beautyVISION fairs are now 20% cheaper! Take care of yourself on Valentine's Day by being inspired and taking good care of your loved ones.

Viżti: 2324

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta' LOOK

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Poznań - Fiera internazzjonali ta' Poznan, Voivodeship tal-Polonja l-Kbira, il-Polonja Poznań - Fiera internazzjonali ta' Poznan, Voivodeship tal-Polonja l-Kbira, il-Polonja


800 Karattri xellug