
AM Expo 2025

From September 16, 2025 until September 17, 2025
Lucerne - Lucerne, Lucerne, l-Isvizzera
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

AM Expo | 16. bis 17. Settembru 2025, Messe Luzern

Lucerne Trade Fair, 16-17 September 2025. Trade fairs and symposiums: Inspiration, education and networking. Do not miss the AM Expo! Stay in touch! Follow AM Expo.

Do not miss out on anything until the next AM Expo. On Additively, the leading additive manufacturing providers share their videos, expert knowledge, events, innovations and more.

AM Expo is Switzerland's only additive manufacturing trade show. The trade fair will feature 80 exhibitors from the entire value-chain demonstrating in an application-oriented way what additive manufacturing can offer and how it can be used to make money.

L-AM Expo toffri tweġibiet kompetenti għal mistoqsijiet ewlenin dwar il-manifattura addittiva. Dawn it-tweġibiet huma mfassla għal oqsma differenti ta 'applikazzjoni.

Wara jumejn ta 'kummerċ ta' suċċess, l-AM Expo spiċċat. Il-fiera tal-kummerċ għall-manifattura tal-addittivi kienet popolari ħafna. L-organizzaturi kienu sodisfatti ħafna.

Fuq jumejn, l-AM Expo pprovdiet ispirazzjoni, għarfien u opportunitajiet ta’ netwerking. Agħti ħarsa lejn l-impressjonijiet tal-AM Expo 2023.

Save the dates: the next AM Expo takes place at the Lucerne Trade Fair from 16-17 September 2025.

Do you want to be up-to-date on the latest developments in additive manufacturing every day of the year? It's no problem! News, videos, expert knowledge, events, and more are published by leading companies in additive manufacturing on Additively. Let yourself be motivated...

Viżti: 2025

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'AM Expo

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Lucerne - Lucerne, Lucerne, l-Isvizzera Lucerne - Lucerne, Lucerne, l-Isvizzera


800 Karattri xellug