

From January 18, 2025 until January 19, 2025
Münster - Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Munsterland, North Rhine-Westphalia, il-Ġermanja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

| DOGLIV - Münsters Hundemesse und Avveniment

Ħlief id-data: 18-19 ta’ Jannar 2025. Il-Fiera & Gala DOGLIV kienet suċċess kbir. Attendew aktar minn 14,000 persuna. Imsieħeb għall-kooperazzjoni.

DOGLIVE Trade Show & Gala made a successful comeback to the Messe und Congress Centrum Halle M&uumnsterland after a 4-year absence. The event, which took place on the 20th and 21st of January, attracted thousands of dog lovers.

Il-motto tal-avveniment kien "Skopri, Ipprova, Ipparteċipa, Informa, Esperjenza", u din il-fiera prattika unika qabżet l-aspettattivi kollha.

Il-varjetà ta’ attivitajiet offruti ppermettiet lill-klieb u lis-sidien tagħhom l-opportunità li jgawdu lilhom infushom u joħolqu memorji li ma jintesewx. Dawn il-mumenti mhux biss ġabu ferħ iżda tejbu wkoll is-saħħa u l-benessri tal-ħabib b’erba’ saqajn.

Il-fiera popolari tal-klieb ma kinitx biss kenn għall-klieb attivi iżda wkoll sors eċċellenti ta’ informazzjoni għas-sidien tal-klieb. F'workshops u lekċers, esperti rinomati bħal Holger Schuler Wolfgang Steffens Andre Vogt Raphaela Niwerth u Raphaela qasmu l-għarfien tagħhom. Il-parteċipanti rċevew pariri u tricks mill-aqwa biex jibnu relazzjoni armonjuża bejniethom u sħabhom b’erba’ saqajn.

DOGLIVE was not only a platform for sporting events and expert presentations, but also a place where strong brands in the animal feed and accessory sectors could be found. StartUp Area, a showcase for innovative products and service offerings, rounded out the trade fair's exhibitor offering. In the exhibition halls, 140 exhibitors were present.

Viżti: 2209

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Münster - Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Munsterland, North Rhine-Westphalia, il-Ġermanja Münster - Messe und Congress Centrum Halle Munsterland, North Rhine-Westphalia, il-Ġermanja


800 Karattri xellug