
Feed Tech Bangladexx 2024

Feed Tech Bangladexx
From April 25, 2024 until April 27, 2024
Dhaka - Konvenzjoni Internazzjonali City Bashundhara (ICCB), Diviżjoni ta' Dhaka, Bangladexx
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Feed Tech Bangladexx

Feed Tech Bangladexx huwa kuntent li jilqagħkom. Immarka l-kalendarju tiegħek issa!

Għandek tipparteċipa f'FEED TECH BANGLADESH jekk inti manifattur jew bejjiegħ tat-teknoloġija tal-għalf, makkinarju jew tagħmir, jew jekk tipprovdi servizz jew prodott. FEED TECH BANGLADESH hija impenjata li toħloq pjattaforma ta 'suċċess għalik biex turi t-teknoloġiji kollha tiegħek immirati lejn l-industrija tal-għalf, u tiltaqa' ma 'eluf viżitaturi professjonali. Iltaqa 'ma' eluf ta 'professjonisti u tipparteċipa fil-fiera minn pajjiżi differenti tal-Asja t'Isfel.FEED-TECH BANGLADESH hija pjattaforma perfetta għall-professjonisti fl-industriji tat-tjur, tal-ħalib u Pets and Horses biex jiskambjaw ideat, netwerk u jwettqu negozju. L-avveniment joffri l-aħħar informazzjoni dwar l-industrija tal-għalf permezz ta 'konferenzi ta' profil għoli, organizzati flimkien ma 'assoċjazzjonijiet tal-industrija u korpi oħra relatati.

Globally, the value of feed industry is approximately USD 400 billion per year. There are more than 31000 companies that operate feed mills around the globe. The current global capacity is approximately 980 millions tons, while in Asia there are 13736 manufacturers who have a capacity of more than 350 million tonnes. Bangladesh, the 8th most populous country in the World in terms of its population, is slowly expanding the scope and horizons of the feed milling sector. The total investment in the poultry industry of Bangladesh exceeds US$. More than 150,000 Poultry Farms are located throughout the country. Around 6,000,000 people directly and indirectly are involved in the poultry sector, Dairy & Aqua Sector.The importance and potential of the Poultry, Fishing and Livestock Sectors in developing an agro-based Bangladeshi economy is enormous. Around 8% of the national income is generated by these sectors, which also represents 32% of total agricultural income. Around 80% of the animal protein we consume comes from livestock and fish.The gap between the production and supply of feed products is huge. The feed industry has a current annual turnover of over US$145+ Million, and it is growing at a 10% rate every year. According to the World Health Organization, a matured adult should consume 22 Kg per year of protein. In Bangladesh, however, this is only 4.5 Kg per person. According to a study, 6% GDP growth is correlated with 11% growth for the poultry industry. The industry is expected to grow rapidly in the future, as there is a large gap between standard consumption and actual consumption of protein.The feed market accounts for nearly half of the poultry industry's total size. The total demand is estimated at 275,000 MT/month. Raw material is imported mainly from China, Thailand and Korea.The demand for feed is seasonal. The demand for poultry and fish feeds decreases by around 30% between November and February. The demand for feed increased by 50% from July to September. The Company's product is used by poultry farmers, dairy farmers and commercial fish firms all over the country.

Viżti: 2128

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta' Feed Tech Bangladexx

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Dhaka - Konvenzjoni Internazzjonali City Bashundhara (ICCB), Diviżjoni ta' Dhaka, Bangladexx Dhaka - Konvenzjoni Internazzjonali City Bashundhara (ICCB), Diviżjoni ta' Dhaka, Bangladexx


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