
Dhaka Auto Parts Show 2024

Dhaka Auto Parts Show
From May 23, 2024 until May 25, 2024
Rupganj - Ċentru tal-Wirjiet tal-Ħbiberija Bangladexx-Ċina, Diviżjoni ta' Dhaka, Bangladexx
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Is-7 Show tal-Partijiet tal-Karozzi f'Dhaka 2024 |

Follow CEMS Global on WeChat. 10:30 AM to 8:30PM Bangabandhu Bangladesh-China Friendship Exhibition Center. FOCUS ON BANGLADESH. The biggest 3 days international exhibition for auto-component industryAlong with all types of Car Parts and Accessories, Lubricants, and Accessories. Why you should participate in the Dhaka Auto Parts Show, 2024. 7 Reasons for participating in the7th Dhaka Auto Parts Show in 2024.

The "Dhaka Auto Parts Show", which has been held in Bangladesh for almost a decade, is one of CEMS Global's flagship events and has become a symbol of Bangladesh as the Most Premier International Motor Parts Exhibition. The country has a growing Middle-class, and the sales of motor vehicles have risen to greater heights, despite the increase in import taxes. The growing economy of Bangladesh has made it a South-Asian nation. For all these years, the "Dhaka Auto Parts Show" has served as a platform for the launch of the latest models of auto parts and related technologies. CEMS-Global has changed its strategy to emphasize auto parts distributors who showcase the latest technologies and components. Previous editions saw great success and a huge rise in sales. The "7th Dhaka Auto Parts Show" will take place from 23-25 May 2024. It is a showcase of world auto-components.

CEMS-Global USA hija Kumpanija Multinazzjonali ta 'Wirja u Ġestjoni bbażata fi New York.organizzatur tal-Konvenzjoni b'operazzjonijiet fuq erba' kontinenti. Imwaqqfa fl-1992, CEMS-Global ilu jorganizza avvenimenti għal aktar minn 30 sena. Wirjiet tal-kummerċ tal-ProfessionalsB2B għal setturi tan-negozju importanti fl-ekonomija u l-kummerċ.

Viżti: 1949

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'Dhaka Auto Parts Show

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Rupganj - Ċentru tal-Wirjiet tal-Ħbiberija Bangladexx-Ċina, Diviżjoni ta' Dhaka, Bangladexx Rupganj - Ċentru tal-Wirjiet tal-Ħbiberija Bangladexx-Ċina, Diviżjoni ta' Dhaka, Bangladexx


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