
Odontotech - Federazzjoni Dentali Kolombjana u l-Kummerċ Internazzjonali u l-Wirja 2024

Odontotech - Federazzjoni Dentali Kolombjana u n-Negozju Internazzjonali u Wirja
From July 09, 2024 until July 12, 2024
Bogotá - Corferias, Bogota, il-Kolombja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)


Odontotech tinsab fuq #Meditech. DwarODONTOTECH. Abbona għan-Newsletter tagħna

Edizzjoni ġdida ta 'Odontotech se ssir fi ħdan Meditech mill-Federazzjoni Dentali Kolombjana u Ċentru Internazzjonali tan-Negozju u Wirjiet - Corferias, b'appoġġ mill-Assoċjazzjoni Kolombjana ta' Sptarijiet u Kliniki -ACHC.

Location: Corferias in Bogota, Colombia. Event type: specialized health sector fair. Date: July 9-12, 2024. Event schedule: to be determined. The Odontotech Fair is organized by Corporacion de Ferias y Expositos S.A. User Operator of Free Zone Benefit and Collaborative Interest - NIT 860.002.464-3 – Address Cra. 37 # 24-67 Bogota, Colombia and the Colombian Dental Federation/ / Ticket office: It can be purchased at the Corferias box office on the dates of the event or through the website fairodontotech.com//es // The organizers are not part of the consumer relationship that arises between the visitor and the exhibitor. The fair is not responsible or the owner of the products or services that are displayed or marketed. The fair organizers are not responsible for negotiations. // Contact: [protett bl-email] // For more information, see terms and conditions and to find out about any changes, modifications or updates to the event, consult the website https://feriaodontotech.com/.

Viżti: 2117

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Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'Odontotech - Federazzjoni Dentali Kolombjana u l-Kummerċ Internazzjonali u l-Wirja

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Bogotá - Corferias, Bogota, il-Kolombja Bogotá - Corferias, Bogota, il-Kolombja


800 Karattri xellug