
L-Ispettaklu Estetiku 2024

L-Ispettaklu Estetiku
From June 27, 2024 until June 30, 2024
Las Vegas - Wynn Las Vegas, Nevada, l-Istati Uniti
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

| L-Ispettaklu Estetiku

Registration is now open! The Most Iconic Events of the Year The Aesthetic Show is proud to welcome all medical specialties that practice aesthetics including: TAS 2024 will feature immersive experiences. Personalized Nutrition Center. Replay the Aesthetic show on AMS. FACTS & FIGURES ADVANCED INJECTOR TRAININGFrom Industry Leaders. This CME-accredited course will help you improve your patient outcomes by improving your injection techniques.

L-Ispettaklu Estetiku jappartjeni għad-Diviżjoni tas-Swieq Informa, Informa PLC.

Dan is-sit huwa proprjetà u mħaddem minn Informa PLC. Id-drittijiet tal-awtur kollha huma tagħhom. L-uffiċċju reġistrat ta' Informa PLC jinsab f'5 Howick Place f'Londra SW1P1WG. Irreġistrat fl-Ingilterra u Wales. Numru ta’ Reġistrazzjoni 8860726.

The Aesthetic Show is the perfect event for an iconic discipline such as aesthetic medicine. TAS's emphasis on a multi-disciplinary, collaborative scientific agenda is a unique way to promote a cross-pollination between cutting-edge techniques and ideas. TAS offers a variety of workshops, including hands-on, practical sessions, and lively demonstrations. It is an invaluable resource for medical aestheticians who want to offer evidence-based treatments that are modern, safe, and effective. The ICONIC TAS offers a unique, interactive, interdisciplinary, innovative experience.

The Aesthetic Show is returning to The Wynn Las Vegas in 2024. This opulent and whimsical landmark will serve as an iconic backdrop to all TAS attendees.

Viżti: 2539

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Las Vegas - Wynn Las Vegas, Nevada, l-Istati Uniti Las Vegas - Wynn Las Vegas, Nevada, l-Istati Uniti


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