
Gamehole Con 2024

From October 17, 2024 until October 20, 2024
Madison - Alliant Energy Center, Wisconsin, l-Istati Uniti
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Gamehole Con

The dates are October 17th to 20th, 2024Alliant Center, Exhibition HallMadison (WI). Gamehole Con, the largest RPG gaming convention on the planet. Event Submissions are now open. 2024 Important Event Dates. Your guide to attending Gamehole Con. Convention Information.

The exhibition hall at the Alliant Energy Center in Madison, WI will be open from October 17th to 20th, 2024.Gamehole Con, the largest RPG gaming convention on the planet, is a major event for RPG gamers.Each fall, gamers from all over the world and the United States gather in Madison, WI to attend this gaming carnival. Gamehole Con focuses on tabletop gaming, and the fun it brings. The convention includes role-playing, board games and fantasy and historical mini gaming. Gamehole Con caters to fantasy and adventure tabletop gamers. Gamehole Con is a gaming convention that features some of the most talented guests and dealers in the industry. Do not miss Gamehole Con if you love tabletop gaming!More InformationSubmissions for Events are now openPlease click the button below to add your event to our unique and massive Events Catalogue! Submit An Event 2024 Important Event Dates.

Kull ħarifa, gamers minn madwar id-dinja u l-Istati Uniti jinġabru f'Madison, WI biex jattendu dan il-karnival tal-logħob. Gamehole Con hija konvenzjoni ddedikata għal-logħob fuq il-mejda, u l-gost li ġġib magħha. Il-konvenzjoni tinkludi role-playing, board games u fantasija u mini gaming storiku. Gamehole Con jaħseb għal gamers fuq il-mejda tal-fantasija u l-avventura. Gamehole Con hija konvenzjoni tal-logħob li fiha wħud mill-aktar mistednin u negozjanti b'talent fl-industrija. Titlifx Gamehole Con jekk tħobb il-logħob fuq il-mejda!

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Madison - Alliant Energy Center, Wisconsin, l-Istati Uniti Madison - Alliant Energy Center, Wisconsin, l-Istati Uniti


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