
World of Pets Expo & Esperjenza Edukattiva - Timonium 2025

World of Pets Expo & Esperjenza Edukattiva - Timonium
From January 24, 2025 until January 26, 2025
Lutherville-Timonium - Maryland State Fairgrounds, Maryland, l-Istati Uniti
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

World of Pets Expo | Avveniment tal-Familja għal Min iħobb l-Annimali Domestiċi

The East Coast's largest consumer pet show. Timonium, MD | 24th Annual. Maryland State Fairgrounds. The Family Event for Pet Lovers! Adopt! Enjoy! Like us on Facebook today for news, announcements, and giveaways. The ULTIMATE Event For Pet Lovers. Maryland State Fairgrounds.

Click here to view the Fungility for Dogs FloorPlan and Schedule of EventsCat Show Exhibitor list Program descriptionsShop at THE Pet Lovers Family Event! Adopt! Enjoy yourself!The World of Pets Expo offers a fun, educational and entertaining experience for all family members and pets of any kind. You and your family will enjoy a full-day of entertainment and education for less than the cost of a movie. Every animal lover or pet owner will find something to enjoy.The World of Pets Expo features many popular returning entertainers as well as many new and exciting exhibitors and acts. There are also educational workshops, seminars and lectures that address pet nutrition and food needs, animal behavior, and other topics. These will be presented by experts in the pet and pet industry.KJ Photography is responsible for the video above.

Click here to view the Fungility for Dogs FloorPlan and Schedule of Events.

Exhibitor list Program Descriptions of the Cat Show.

Il-World of Pets Expo toffri esperjenza divertenti, edukattiva u divertenti għall-membri kollha tal-familja u l-annimali domestiċi ta’ kull tip. Int u l-familja tiegħek ser igawdu ġurnata sħiħa ta’ divertiment u edukazzjoni għal inqas mill-ispiża ta’ film. Kull min iħobb l-annimali jew sid ta 'annimali domestiċi se jsib xi ħaġa li jgawdi.

Viżti: 2206

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta' World of Pets Expo & Educational Experience - Timonium

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Lutherville-Timonium - Maryland State Fairgrounds, Maryland, l-Istati Uniti Lutherville-Timonium - Maryland State Fairgrounds, Maryland, l-Istati Uniti


800 Karattri xellug