
Arcade Expo 2024

Arcade Expo
From October 11, 2024 until October 13, 2024
Houston - Houston Marriott Westchase, Texas, USA
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Arti u Snajja

Houston Arcade Expo – L-akbar spettaklu ta’ Arcade Party fid-dinja!

Houston Arcade Expo 2024What can you expect? What to Expect? Cosplay & Game Tourneys. A few of ourCool guests! Schedule detailsInformation about event schedules. On site over night Security. Yacht Rock Disco Party. Closed to the public. On site over night Security. The winners of the game raffle! The show is over. Vendors and Exhibitors, as well as those who brought games should load out.

Houston Area Arcade Group will be holding its 22nd Annual Arcade Expo at the Houston Marriott Westchase on October 11,12 & 13. The ULTIMATE Arcade Party!

The event will feature 100's of coin-op arcade games, console video games, video arcades and penny arcades for the attendees to enjoy for free or purchase for their homes.

The young and the young-at-heart will be entertained by tournaments, music, workshops, and events.

Ikseb il-pass b'xejn tiegħek u lagħab l-aħħar Pinball, arcade u consoles vintage u ġodda. Lista tal-Logħob.

We have the best DJ, electronic and rock music on Friday and Saturday. Music Schedule.

Seminars u workshops mill-komunitajiet pinball, arcade, u console. Se jkun hemm konkors trivia dwar logħob u films tas-snin 80!Skeda tal-Kelliem.

Ilbes bħala l-karattru favorit tiegħek tal-arcade, pinball jew console biex tgħaddas ruħek fl-espożizzjoni! Ilgħab kontra plejers oħra biex tirbaħ premjijiet u trofej friski!

John huwa disinjatur tal-pinball fi Stern. Ħadem fuq titoli popolari bħal Aerosmith, Metallica u TRON. L-aħħar pinball tat-tema tal-banda tiegħu ħawwadhom kollha. Forsi nistgħu nġibu lil John fuq il-palk biex jammonta mal-band dan is-Sibt filgħaxija.

Viżti: 2039

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Please register at the official website of Arcade Expo

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Houston - Houston Marriott Westchase, Texas, USA Houston - Houston Marriott Westchase, Texas, USA


800 Karattri xellug