
Bazaar tat-Tfal 2024

Bazaar tat-Tfal
From September 07, 2024 until September 08, 2024
Ljubljana - Ċentru ta' Wirjiet u Konvenzjoni, Ljubljana, Slovenja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Otroški bazar

Sponsors and supporters until the 17th Children's Bazaar. Organiser of the Children's Bazaar. Sponsor of Bazarko’s kitchen. Partner of Bazarko’s kitchen. Organiser of Atopic Expo. Sponsor general of the Atopic Expo. Sponsor of the 9th Atopic Expo. Silver sponsors of the 9th Atopic Expo. Partners of the changing rooms. He is in charge of the charity initiative. 17. Children's bazaar, 7.-8. Economic Exhibition Center, Ljubljana.

On Friday, March 29, at the Economic Exhibition Center in Ljubljana, the Slovenian Army / Become a Soldier will organize a promotional event "IN THE SERVICE OF THE MOTHERLAND", where several different units and professions of the Slovenian Army and their main values will be presented. 💯The event is intended primarily for young people born in 2006 to get to know the possibilities offered by the Slovenian Army. Visitors are also invited to the event who want to meet members of the Slovenian Armed Forces live and get to know a part of the military's everyday life. 🤝 You are welcome to visit them and see the interesting and unique presentations and opportunities offered by the Slovenian Army. 🎖FREE ADMISSION! You can find more information -> postanivojak.si/o-slovenski.../v-sluzbi-domovine/ and fb.me/e/8wi8dV9PA 🌐#vslužbidomovine #slovenskavojska ... Read more...Hide text.

Jekk it-tifel/tifla tiegħek spiċċa l-iskola primarja u qed jipprepara għall-iskola sekondarja, allura tista' ssib lista ta' skejjel li jixtiequ jippreżentaw lilhom infushom f'aktar dettall lilek fuq il-portal ta' @Slovenske Middle Schools. Issib informazzjoni dwar skejjel magħżula, il-programmi tagħhom, galleriji tar-ritratti, vidjows, mistoqsijiet frekwenti, u aktar! Għal aktar informazzjoni, żur il-portal www.slovenskesrednjesole.si u ara deskrizzjonijiet dettaljati ta’ skejjel sekondarji magħżula #portalsrednjihso #vpisi #slovenija #9razred #srednjesole #dijaki #school #parents #momlifeText hidden.

Viżti: 1643

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta' Childrens Bazaar

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Ljubljana - Ċentru ta' Wirjiet u Konvenzjoni, Ljubljana, Slovenja Ljubljana - Ċentru ta' Wirjiet u Konvenzjoni, Ljubljana, Slovenja


800 Karattri xellug