
Entech Roadshow 2024

From October 15, 2024 until October 15, 2024
Melbourne - Melbourne City Conference Centre (MCCC), ir-Rabat, l-Awstralja
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| Entech Roadshow

Il-wirja tal-kummerċ tat-turing tal-AV Industry. Skopri d-dinja AV post-konverġenti. ENTECH NZ 2024 Fuq Bejgħ Issa. Jilħqu aktar speċifikaturi u xerrejja. Entech Imwaqqfa 1993. Tespandi Taħdidiet Tech. Min huma l-udjenzi tagħna? Niżżel il-Prospett PDF. Mill-2012, għamilna roadshows madwar il-pajjiż li jkopru kważi 500,000 km. "Xejn mhu diffiċli wisq għall-esibituri tagħna jew għall-mistednin kummerċjali stmati."

It-Roadshow ENTECH, l-uniku tradeshow għal professjonisti fit-teknoloġiji AV u tad-divertiment li jżur il-bliet ewlenin Awstraljani kollha, joffri aktar opportunitajiet ta’ negozju. ENTECH Roadshow se jżur Sydney Melbourne Brisbane Adelaide u Perth fl-2023. Dan l-avveniment se jġib perspettiva ġdida għas-swieq lokali.

Our industry, as confirmed by the ISE in Barcelona 2023, has entered a new phase that we call 'post-converged.' The worlds of IT, unified communications and AV have moved past the initial transition phase of being networked and controlled through software. They are now entering a new phase, where new products and business models are emerging.

Manufacturers who once focused on a single aspect of live performance, recording or broadcasting are now developing products for corporate meeting spaces. Now, companies that once created platforms for digital signs are offering room control as well as corporate communications. Lighting companies, which power stadium gigs of huge proportions, are now creating architectural products that are networked. At the heart of it all, the customer - whether they are an installer, production company, or consultant - is also a part IT manager, and concerned about the integration of the systems as a unit.

Viżti: 2111

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Melbourne - Melbourne City Conference Centre (MCCC), ir-Rabat, l-Awstralja Melbourne - Melbourne City Conference Centre (MCCC), ir-Rabat, l-Awstralja


800 Karattri xellug