
Foire Europeenne 2024

Foire Europeenne
From September 06, 2024 until September 15, 2024
Strasburgu - Ċentru tal-Wirjiet ta' Strasburgu, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, Franza
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Accueil | Foire Européenne ta' Strasburgu

Navigazzjoni Prinċipali. Fiera Ewropea ta’ Strasburgu Mis-6 ta’ Settembru sal-15 ta’ Settembru 2024. Il-Fiera Ewropea tal-2023. Jum lura l-iskola. Wirja dwar il-Fiera Ewropea. Ekonomija ċirkolari. Attivitajiet fuq 10 ijiem Kompetizzjoni tas-snajja

Editorial ModulesStrasbourg European FairFrom September 6 to 15 2024Find the European Fair that you want: PopularFestive, vibrant and colorful!Come and feel the beat of great deals!Learn MoreRetrospective of European Fair 2023We were thrilled to welcome you!Back-to-school meetingsFind your European Fair in a friendly environment. Enjoy the highlights and activities, the stands, and the other cultural and unique exhibitions.Learn MoreExhibit in the European FairSince over 90 years, it has been the benchmark for commercial events in Alsace. It is known for bringing together professionals and visitors from all sectors.EXHIBITORS - HOW TO BECOME ONECircular EconomyThe European Fair in Strasbourg manages biowaste in an environmentally responsible manner.Strasbourg Events, in pursuit of its CSR strategy, has formed a partnership Sikle – Les Composteurs de Strasbourg. A social enterprise based in Strasbourg that takes action to promote the environmental transition by collecting and recovering organic waste locally. All this is possible with 100% bicycle logistic.The idea is to transform bio-waste from the PMC and Parc des Expositions events into compost locally and develop resilient, low-input agriculture. Reduce our waste.

Viżti: 1717

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Strasburgu - Ċentru tal-Wirjiet ta' Strasburgu, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, Franza Strasburgu - Ċentru tal-Wirjiet ta' Strasburgu, Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine, Franza


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