
AAHOA Southwest Regional Conference & Trade Show

AAHOA Southwest Regional Conference & Trade Show
From June 09, 2022 until June 09, 2022
Salt Lake - Radisson Salt Lake City Downtown, Utah, l-Istati Uniti
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2022 AAHOA Southwest Regional Conference & Trade Show

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2022 AAHOA Southwest Regional Conference & Trade Show.

The 2022 AAHOA Southwest Regional Conference & Trade Show will be the perfect place to meet local hoteliers and vendors in the hospitality industry.

Kun af lil lukandiera u bejjiegħa oħra fir-reġjun.

Il-Konferenzi Reġjonali u l-Wirjiet tal-Kummerċ jikkonkludu b’pranzu u riċeviment ta’ netwerking, fejn tista’ tiltaqa’ ma’ sħabi lukandiera kif ukoll ma’ fornituri tal-industrija.

AAHOA, the event's host, has taken preventative measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. However, they cannot control its contagious nature. I am aware of the contagious nature COVID-19. I have voluntarily accepted the possibility that I might be infected or exposed by attending this event. I know that I run the risk of being injured, harmed, or losing. I HEREBY RELEASE AAHOA OF ANY RIGHT TO RECOVER DAMAGES in the CASE of ILLNESS AND INJURY AND DEATH OR ANY OTHER CLAIMS MAY ARISE, INCLUDING ALL LIABILITIES. ACTIONS. DAMAGES. COSTS. EXPENSES. INCLUDING, FOR THOSE RESEARCH OUT OF OR RELATED THERETO, EXPOSURE to COVID-19. I will comply with all health and safety requirements as determined by AAHOA or applicable venues. This may include temperature control, mask requirement, physical distancing, participation in contact tracing, and participation in contact tracing. If I have any symptoms of COVID-19 (e.g., fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.) or have been confirmed to have it, I will not be able to attend the event. I understand that I have a responsibility to monitor my symptoms for COVID-19. If I feel unwell, I will inform an event staff member.

Viżti: 1317

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Please register at the official website of AAHOA Southwest Regional Conference & Trade Show

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Salt Lake - Radisson Salt Lake City Downtown, Utah, l-Istati Uniti Salt Lake - Radisson Salt Lake City Downtown, Utah, l-Istati Uniti


800 Karattri xellug