

From October 21, 2025 until October 23, 2025
Las Vegas - Las Vegas Convention Center, Nevada, l-Istati Uniti
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)


YES, IT'S HAPPENING! METALCON, October 6-8, 2021 Tampa. METALCON returns and is better than ever. Tampa, Florida. October 6-8, 2021. Stay connected with MetalconLive! NEW! Solar Education Center. Find out the latest applications of metal for solar and offsite construction. Discover new technologies to make your business more profitable. The Architect’s Experience. Design can change your perceptions about what is possible.

Only global event dedicated to metal applications in design and construction.Discover the latest innovations in real time that will help you to become more innovative, competitive, efficient and profitable.

Every year, METALCON attracts thousands of contractors, specifiers and architects to learn about the latest products, innovations and tools that will give them an edge in their industry. Bring your company to the center of the action and build your business pipeline. You can also write orders on site and learn about the latest industry insights.

Meta tkun qed tevalwa ideat u prodotti ġodda biex tkabbar il-kumpanija tiegħek, m'hemm xejn bħal taħriġ personalment, sessjonijiet ta' Q&A, u demos. METALCON jiġbor l-aqwa ditti tal-kostruzzjoni tal-metall u mexxejja tal-ħsieb taħt saqaf wieħed biex jipprovdi tlett ijiem ta 'aċċess, effiċjenza u edukazzjoni mingħajr paragun. Ingħaqad magħna f'Indianapolis biex tikseb il-vantaġġ li għandek bżonn.

Il-webinars tagħna ta' kull xahar huma mod tajjeb ħafna biex nibqgħu fuq l-aħħar tendenzi u kwistjonijiet emerġenti biex jgħinuk tikkapitalizza fuq opportunitajiet ġodda u tippjana għall-futur. Dawn l-avvenimenti diretti jgħinuk tibqa’ aġġornat ma’ l-aħħar tendenzi, kwistjonijiet emerġenti u opportunitajiet ġodda ta’ negozju.

Viżti: 1260

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'METALCON

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Las Vegas - Las Vegas Convention Center, Nevada, l-Istati Uniti Las Vegas - Las Vegas Convention Center, Nevada, l-Istati Uniti


800 Karattri xellug