
Whiskys tad-Dinja Atlanta 2024

Whiskys tad-Dinja Atlanta
From October 12, 2024 until October 12, 2024
Atlanta - InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta, Georgia, USA
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Industrija tal-Ikel
Tags: Kejbils

Atlanta | Whiskies Of The World

Choose YOUR ADVENTURE. Shane Merriam, Bourbon Provocateur, explains what makes Texas Terroir unique. Price: $10 | Time: 7:15PM-7:45PM. Speaker: Shane Merriam, Bourbon Provocateur. Widow Jane - Deep Cuts and Rare Sips Price: $10 | Time: 8:15PM-8:45PM. Speaker: Canyon Shayer. Samson and Surrey Northern Eastern Spirits Specialist and Brand Ambassador. Rye Whiskey & Catoctin Creek - An Exploration in Tradition and Innovation

Igawdu l-istorja rikka u t-togħmiet attraenti ta’ 150 whisky minn madwar id-dinja, direttament fil-ħġieġ personalizzat tiegħek. Kull avveniment huwa kkurat bir-reqqa minn connoisseurs li huma passjonati dwar is-sengħa u l-arti wara kull pour. Agħżel l-avventura tiegħek u pprepara biex tesplora d-dinja.

Kollha GA pours + VIP esklussiva pours.

Igawdu whisky globali li jiċċirkola b'xejnGdim Gourmet ħafif Ħġieġ tat-tifkira.

It-Texans huma kburin bit-toughness tagħhom. Aħna wkoll ltqajna xi anġli iebsa bbażati fuq "sehem anġlu tagħna". Il-lineup dehru se jinkludi Small Batch Single Barrel HoneyDew Balmorhea.

Canyon Shayer, Widow Jane's Northern Eastern brand ambassador and spirits specialist, will guide you through the impossible balance between art and science that is required to create world-class whisky blends. We have brought along some bottles that are hard to find (if you can even find them on shelves... yet). This is a tasty look into our whiskey vaults that you won't wish to miss (hint, hints).

Rye Whiskey & Catoctin Creek - An Exploration Tradition & Innovation is a presentation which explores the history of rye whisky in America and how it has influenced today's craft spirit market. Catoctin Creek Distilling Company shares their view on the history of rye whisky and how they innovate to honor the past, while creating new unique expressions of the beloved spirit.

Viżti: 1703

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta' Whiskys of the World Atlanta

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Atlanta - InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta, Georgia, USA Atlanta - InterContinental Buckhead Atlanta, Georgia, USA


800 Karattri xellug