
TEAMS Conference & Expo

TEAMS Conference & Expo
From October 10, 2022 until October 13, 2022
Oklahoma - Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau, Oklahoma, l-Istati Uniti
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Program - TEAMS Conference & Expo

Multi-Year Sponsors. Schedule of Events Sponsored by. Unless otherwise noted, all events will take place at the Oklahoma City Convention Center. All times shown are Central Time. Exhibitors & Sponsors.

All events, except where noted otherwise, will be held at the Oklahoma City Convention Center. All times are Central Time.

This happy hour is a chance for representatives of sports organizations to meet in an informal, relaxed setting. As you network with other rights holders, enjoy a glass Saddle Up beer, courtesy Fort Worth Sports. Only for NGB representatives or other event rights holders.

As Dr. Jennifer Stoll, the Sports Events and Tourism Association gives a comprehensive overview of the impact sports events and tourism have on destinations. She also explains how to communicate that value to local markets using simple metrics. This course is ideal for anyone who wants to increase community appreciation of their work, rights holders wanting to understand the value that your event brings to a particular market, or industry suppliers looking for ways to help this industry shift. Participants will be able to take away key actions and real-world examples from the course.

Participants pursuing STS accreditation will be awarded four credits for attending this course. This session is part of the Sports Tourism Learning Institute. It is open to all TEAMS attendees, regardless of Sports ETA membership. This session costs $399 for Sports ETA member and $499 for all non-Sports ETA member. Email [protett bl-email] for more information and to register.

Viżti: 1504

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Oklahoma - Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau, Oklahoma, l-Istati Uniti Oklahoma - Oklahoma City Convention and Visitors Bureau, Oklahoma, l-Istati Uniti


800 Karattri xellug