
IOT u Industrija 4.0 Expo 2024

IOT u Industrija 4.0 Expo
From March 28, 2024 until March 28, 2024
Milton Keynes - Arena MK, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Loġistika u Trasport

L-IOT u l-Industrija 4.0 Expo »

Ibbukkja l-post liberu tiegħek għall-avveniment.

This meeting of more than 1000 senior managers from industries such as energy and infrastructure, manufacturing and retail, automotive, healthcare and smart buildings will provide a unique opportunity for you to meet suppliers and stay up to date with the latest innovations in IOT, Industry 4.0 and best practices.

Aktar minn 30 kelliem se jedukaw, jinfurmaw u divertiment lid-delegati waqt li jagħmlu netwerk u jattendu diskorsi ewlenin.

*Educational seminars on current industry issuesKey insights from industry leaders and service providersCase studies from leading companies on how they are using IOT to make their business smarter and connected.The technology showcase will feature live demonstrations and hands-on demos of the newest solutions.The day will be filled with networking opportunities.Meet over 50 exhibitors who can meet your needs.

*CEO's*IT Diretturi u CIOs*Diretturi tal-Enerġija*Diretturi tas-Sostenibbiltà*Diretturi tal-Manifattura*Maniġers tal-Pjanti*Inġiniera Anzjani*Maniġers tal-Pjanti*Direttur tar-R & D*Kap tekniku*Direttur tal-IOT*Maniġer tal-FaċilitàManiġer tal-Manutenzjoni.

IOT, Smart Facilities, Cyber Security (Blockchain), Smart Manufacturing, Connected Health, Smart Transport, Smart Grid, Autonomous Vehicles, AI, Smart Buildings, Energy Management, Procurement, Continuous Improvement and Lean, Standards, R&D and Wireless, Data Storage and Analytics, Regulation, Network Architecture, Factory Optimization, Automation, Robotics, Traceability and Much More...

Viżti: 2013

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'IOT u Industry 4.0 Expo

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Milton Keynes - Arena MK, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit Milton Keynes - Arena MK, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit


800 Karattri xellug