
Konferenza u Wirja dwar il-Manifattura u l-Katina tal-Provvista 2024

Manifattura u Konferenza tal-Katina tal-Provvista u Wirja
From March 28, 2024 until March 28, 2024
Milton Keynes - Arena MK, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit
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Manifattura u Konferenza tal-Katina tal-Provvista u Wirja

Assoċjazzjonijiet ta' Appoġġ

The Manufacturing & Supply Chain Conference & Exhibition will be held again at the DATE TBC. This event will provide a forum for UK manufacturers and operators from the supply chain to come together to discuss the pressing issues that face the industry. This event is now well-established as a "must attend" annual event that successfully connects key stakeholder across the entire spectrum of British Manufacturing, including aerospace and automotive, chemical, pharmaceutical, construction, defense, electronics, food, drink, nuclear energy, plastics, safety, steel, textiles, space, and textiles.The event will also focus on other topics, including Brexit and the global trade environment. Other issues that will be discussed include the challenges and possibilities presented by the constantly changing demands of customers, as well as the rapid pace and technological advancements in areas like artificial intelligence, machine-learning and robotics.We have assembled a distinguished group of academics, government officials and manufacturing leaders who will take part in stimulating keynote addresses and discussions. This event will feature a large exhibition featuring the latest business solutions and technological innovations.Many keynote speakers will examine the disruptive changes caused by the fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), as well as the resulting opportunities and challenges for British Industry.The event will include a variety of topics including Industry 4.0 and Digital Manufacturing. Other themes covered are: Financing Investments, Industrial Blockchains, Research & Developments, Precision Engineerings, QEHSs, Supply Chain & Logisticss, Sustainabilitys, Government Policy and Industrial Strategys, Exports and Skills & Training.ManufacturersIn recent years, new approaches and technologies have been introduced that have led to significant improvements in organisational processes and procedures. The conference aims to highlight these innovative approaches, and disseminate cutting-edge research which underpins them. Senior management, practicing engineers and scientists as well as those who are at an earlier stage in their careers will find the conference of interest.

Viżti: 1318

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Milton Keynes - Arena MK, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit Milton Keynes - Arena MK, l-Ingilterra, ir-Renju Unit


800 Karattri xellug