
Tiroler Fruhjahrsmesse 2025

Tiroler Fruhjahrsmesse
From March 13, 2025 until March 16, 2025
Innsbruck - Kungress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH, Tirol, l-Awstrija
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Die Messe - Frühjahrsmesse

This was the Tyrolean Spring Fair in 2024.

After four days full of shopping enthusiasm, competent advice and an extensive informative-interactive program, exhibitors and visitors to the 39th Tyrolean Spring Fair and Tyrolean Motor Show have taken stock successfully. Over 260 exhibitors, a mix of trend topics, new products and lectures, workshops, and demonstrations, and over 50 workshops, seminars, and demonstrations, made the traditional public trade show a success.

The 39th Tyrolean spring fair with the Tyrolean motor show presented itself as an information and shopping platform that was comprehensive. Around 32,000 Tyroleans visited the fair to get expert advice, experience the marketplace as a family and for their own personal experiences.

The Tyrolean Spring Fair invited visitors to return from March 14th until 17th 2024. Visitors were treated to four days of shopping, gaming, entertainment, and culinary delights.

Il-cookies jippermettulna nippersonalizzaw il-kontenut u l-wiri sabiex inkunu nistgħu nilħqu l-bżonnijiet individwali tiegħek. Sabiex intejbu l-websajt tagħna, aħna nanalizzaw ukoll l-aċċess għaliha. Aħna naqsmu informazzjoni anonima dwar kif tuża l-websajt tagħna ma’ msieħba fil-midja soċjali, ir-reklamar, u l-analiżi. Jekk jogħġbok agħti l-kunsens tiegħek biex nużaw il-cookies sabiex inkomplu naħdmu fuq it-titjib tal-funzjonalità tal-websajt. Jekk ma tagħtix il-kunsens, aħna se nużaw biss cookies funzjonali li ma fihomx data personali. Napprezzaw il-kooperazzjoni tiegħek. Jekk jogħġbok ipprovdi aktar informazzjoni jekk tixtieq.

Viżti: 1197

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Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta' Tiroler Fruhjahrsmesse

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Innsbruck - Kungress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH, Tirol, l-Awstrija Innsbruck - Kungress und Messe Innsbruck GmbH, Tirol, l-Awstrija


800 Karattri xellug