
Drones Asja 2025

From April 09, 2025 until April 10, 2025
Singapor - Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapor, Singapor
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Bini u Kostruzzjoni
Tags: Emerġenza

DELIVERING RESULTS FOR A. ASIAN UAV ECOSYSTEM EXPANDING. Drones & Uncrewed Asia. Strong support from industry experts. What to show at the UAV market place. Register your interest in advance! Sponsors and Partners.

Register your interestBook a standCo-located events.

Drones & Uncrewed AsiaDownload the Conference Brochure or Show Guide.

Download the Conference Brochure or Show Guide.

Drones & Uncrewed Asia will take place in Singapore on April 9th and 10.

The specialised show, which will be co-located with Geo Connect Asia (also known as Marine & Hydro Asia), Digital Construction Asia and Marine & Hydro Asia (also known as Digital Construction Asia), will build on Drones Asia’s 2024 learnings and provide a platform for the entire UAV industry.

Drones & Uncrewed Asia is positioned to become the key meeting place for Asia's growing UAV and uncrewed technologies ecosystem. The event includes a tradeshow, drone technology market, Main Stage Conference and technical presentations. Startups are welcomed!

Singapor, li jinsab fin-nofs tar-reġjun tal-ASEAN b'popolazzjoni ta 'aktar minn 650 miljun, sar il-post ideali biex wieħed jifhem l-opportunitajiet tal-lum u wkoll iħares lejn il-futur.

Aktar minn 2,000 professjonist mistennija jattendu għal dan l-avveniment ta’ jumejn. L-udjenza se tinkludi regolaturi, operaturi u aġenziji tal-iżvilupp, kif ukoll il-katina tal-provvista u l-industriji vertikali ewlenin fix-Xlokk tal-Asja.

The industry will focus on presenting case studies that have been proven and geospatial integration solutions for key industries. They include agriculture & forest, border control and building & construction. Emergency services & disaster aid, healthcare, infrastructure. Mining, oil & Gas, renewables. Planning at the city, state and national level. Transportation & Logistics.

Viżti: 1823

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Singapor - Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapor, Singapor Singapor - Sands Expo and Convention Centre, Singapor, Singapor


800 Karattri xellug