
Roskilde Dyrskue 2024

Roskilde Dyrskue
From May 31, 2024 until June 02, 2024
Roskilde - Roskilde Dyrskueplads, Reġjun Zealand, id-Danimarka
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
Tags: Kejbils

Roskilde Dyrskue - Danmarks største dyrskue

Registration of animals is not required. Kodkvaeg is preparing for the animal show in 2024. Denmark's largest outdoor machine and animal exhibition.

Ejja bħala spettaklu tal-annimali u gawdi ġurnata sabiħa fil-klassi.

Roskilde Animal Show celebrates 20 years of contractor machines.

Learn how to prepare your animal for a show.

Tista' titgħallem dwar l-agrikoltura Daniża f'Dyrskuepladsen, li tinsab f'Roskilde. Dyrskuepladsen huwa ta' 35 ettaru, li huwa ekwivalenti għal 70 grawnd tal-futbol. Madwar 1,500 annimal jinsabu fil-wirja tal-annimali. Ikun tieħu 20 siegħa biex tiltaqa' magħhom kollha.

During the three-day show, the many dairy cows drink each 80 liters. The dairy cows alone consume 26,640 liters per day. The average family uses approximately 400 liters of water per day. A typical family uses 400 litres of water a day.

All cows are milked two times a day throughout the show. In the last year, Arla's dairy at Slagelse received 19,975 liters. You can smell fresh cow milk if you walk past the dairy hall. Roskilde Dyrskues Mission : To promote modern agricultural production.

L-għan ta' Roskilde Dyrskue huwa li:.

X'għandek tagħmel bin-negozju tiegħek fil-Pa Roskilde Animal Show? Tista' tirreġistra l-istand tiegħek issa!Irreġistra u aqra aktar.

Trid tkun illoggjat f'Facebook biex toħloq il-programm tiegħek stess.

You can access your program, e.g. on a tablet or smartphone by logging in using Facebook. You can use a smartphone or tablet.

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Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta' Roskilde Dyrskue

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Roskilde - Roskilde Dyrskueplads, Reġjun Zealand, id-Danimarka Roskilde - Roskilde Dyrskueplads, Reġjun Zealand, id-Danimarka


800 Karattri xellug