
WonderFest 2024

From June 01, 2024 until June 02, 2024
Louisville - Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport Expo Ctr, Kentucky, l-Istati Uniti
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

WonderFest USA – Weekend ta' divertenti passatemp!

Next 'Fest: June 1-2, 2024 | Crowne Plaza Louisville Hotel. Click on the icon to find out more. Hotel & Restaurant. Louisville Attractions. MEET THE 2024 GUESTS. The majority of guests will autograph in the Dealer Room B. VANESSA HARRYHAUSEN. The Amazing Model Contest. The World's Best Modelers! MUST-SEE PROGRAMMING. Click on the icon to find out more. WHAT IS WONDERFEST? A weekend of wonder in Louisville!

Disponibbli biss fil-bieb ta 'quddiemAdulti: $48 għal jumejn, $2 għal jum.Etajiet 33-1: $4 kuljum, $12 għal kull jumejnEtà ta' 12 snin u inqas hija b'xejnSigħat ta' tħaddim għall-kabina tal-biljetti

Rata speċjali tal-kamra WonderFest: $142 kuljum! Li toqgħod fil-lukanda tal-ispettaklu tagħna li rebħet l-għotja hija konvenjenti! Il-prenotazzjoni onlajn ta' kamra ta' lukanda hija possibbli.

Żur siti turistiċi eċċitanti fi u madwar Louisville mal-familja tiegħek. Esplora l-Bourbon Trails, u ħafna aktar. Divertiment fi Louisville...

Diana Harryhausen, daughter of Ray Harryhausen and author of Ray Harryhausen's books and illustrations. Trustee and trustee of the Ray and Diana Harryhausen Foundation.

Director: Small Soldiers (The 'Burbs), Explorers, Innerspace Small Soldiers, Piranha.

Writer, actress, and artist: Piranha (The Howling), Gremlins 1 & 2 (Matinee), Food of the Gods.

Modelmaker u disinjatur tal-produzzjoni: Star Wars, Jurassic Park Nightmare Before Christmas Coraline.

Attur u produttur tal-vuċi: Red Dead Redemption 1, 2.

Actor: Lost, Pretty Little Liars and The Devil's Playground.

Viżti: 1399

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Please register at the official website of WonderFest

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Louisville - Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport Expo Ctr, Kentucky, l-Istati Uniti Louisville - Crowne Plaza Louisville Airport Expo Ctr, Kentucky, l-Istati Uniti


800 Karattri xellug