
ISH Nachlese Dresden 2025

ISH Nachlese Dresden
From May 22, 2025 until May 23, 2025
Dresden - Messe Dresden GmbH / exchange Dresden, Saxony, Germany
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ISH Nachlese Dresden

Merħba għall-15 ISH gleaning Dresden.

Welcome to the 15th ISH gleaning DresdenThe ISH gleanings are still ongoing in DresdenOn: 22nd and 23.05. 2025We, your wholesalers Pietsch Haustechnik Mainmetall Dresden SHT Dresden invite you to learn about the latest products and services. The MESSE DRESDEN is the place to be for the largest industry gathering in the Free State of Saxony. The 15th ISH Dresden Gleaning gives you a fascinating look at the future of industry and will give you and your staff an important advantage in knowledge. The 200 invited industry partners will present their innovative products and trends from the building technology sector. Our team and the regional contacts will provide you with optimal support.The industry meeting offers plenty of time for relaxed discussions. In our catering area, you can deepen your experience with colleagues in the industry. MESSE DRESDEN, with its proximity to the transport network and the ambience it creates for socializing and lingering, is the perfect setting for this event.The ISH-Nachlese in Dresden 2025 offers a warm, personal atmosphere. We are looking forward to meeting you!

Aħna, il-bejjiegħa bl-ingrossa tiegħek Pietsch Haustechnik Mainmetall Dresden SHT Dresden nistednuk titgħallem dwar l-aħħar prodotti u servizzi. Il-MESSE DRESDEN huwa l-post fejn tkun għall-akbar ġbir ta 'industrija fl-Istat Ħieles ta' Sassonja. Il-15-il ISH Dresden Gleaning jagħtik ħarsa affaxxinanti lejn il-futur tal-industrija u se tagħtik u l-istaff tiegħek vantaġġ importanti fl-għarfien. Il-200 sieħeb tal-industrija mistiedna se jippreżentaw il-prodotti u x-xejriet innovattivi tagħhom mis-settur tat-teknoloġija tal-bini. It-tim tagħna u l-kuntatti reġjonali jagħtuk l-aħjar appoġġ.

Viżti: 619

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Dresden - Messe Dresden GmbH / exchange Dresden, Saxony, Germany Dresden - Messe Dresden GmbH / exchange Dresden, Saxony, Germany


800 Karattri xellug