
Auto Component International Expo 2024

Auto Component Expo Internazzjonali
From December 06, 2024 until December 08, 2024
Pune - Ċentru tal-Wirjiet tal-Auto Cluster, Maharashtra, l-Indja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Karozzi u Karozzi

Pune Auto Expo

Auto Expo Event 2024. Visitor Target Groups. Members of the Organizing Committe Pune Auto Expo Gallery. Pune Book Fair Gallery. CBX Expo Catalogue Display Stand. Open Space (Outdoor). Base Space (Inside Hall). Shell Scheme (furnished). Base Space (Inside Hall). Open Space (Outdoor). Enterprises Section (MSME). Shell Scheme (furnished).

We invite you to the 22nd Pune Auto Expo, which is being held in Creaticity (Formerly Ishanya Mall), off Airport Road in Shastrinagar and Yerawada. The event is supported by the apex government, semi-government, and non-government organizations. We invite you to participate in the 22nd Pune Auto Expo, which is being held at Creaticity (Formerly Ishanya Mall) off Airport Road, Shastrinagar, Yerawada, Pune. The event will be supported by govt. The exhibition will be attended by thousands of visitors from across western India, including organisations in the Indian Automotive Sector. Register Now and Get Vantage Stand / Space Location.

Pune Auto Expo -- 22nd Indian Automobile Trade Fair will showcase the latest in the industry and provide an overview on a single campus.

Il-kategoriji ta 'Vetturi, Komponenti Auto u Tagħmir ta' Servizz kif ukoll Sistemi ta 'Test u Kejl, u Aċċessorji Auto huma miftuħa għall-parteċipazzjoni.

EXPO CENTER #202, ISHA BISHTA449, Monday Peth, Pune - 411011, Indja.

Ikkuntattjana+91 - 20 - 26054916 / 17[email protected].

Copyright ta 'Pune Auto Expo. Żviluppat minn Pravi Design.

Viżti: 451

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Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'Auto Component International Expo

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Pune - Ċentru tal-Wirjiet tal-Auto Cluster, Maharashtra, l-Indja Pune - Ċentru tal-Wirjiet tal-Auto Cluster, Maharashtra, l-Indja


800 Karattri xellug