
AeroDef India Manufacturing Expo 2024

AeroDef India Manufacturing Expo
From April 18, 2024 until April 20, 2024
Choma - IICC New Delhi, Haryana, l-Indja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Karozzi u Karozzi

Supporting Partners Interaction with exhibitors.

Capital expenditures are expected to increase at a rapid pace on the Indian aerospace and defence market. As India achieves its goal of self-reliance, the growing focus on domestic manufacturing will create long term opportunities for MSME's and private sector manufacturers engaged in supply of raw materials and components, assemblies, and subassemblies.According to the Union Budget for 2023-24, 25 % of the defence R&D budget will be allocated for the private sector and new start-ups. This will pave way for the innovation of new defense technologies in India. To date, 366 companies in the Defence Sector have received a total 595 Industrial Licences.India is expected to have the third largest defence budget in the world by 2022 and export equipment worth US$15 billion by 2026. India's defence exports have grown by 334% over the last five years. Thanks to collaboration, India is now exporting to more than 75 countries. The Ministry of Defence set an export target of Rs. The Ministry of Defence has set a target to achieve defence exports worth Rs.

Delhi has been the Indian Defence Forces' headquarters for many years.Some critical decision-making around manufacturing, acquisitions and upgrades inThe capital city is the place where the aerospace and defense sector happens. The capital city of the country is also home toThis is a very important SME and a defence manufacturing enterpriseIncluding but not limited DPSU, OFB and private domestic and InternationalManufacturers have a strong presence in the north of India. Delhi is home to many main officesBharat Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO)Electronics Limited & Hindustan Aeronautics Limited and multiple R&D laboratories,The Ministry of Defence, Ministry of MSME and Ministry of Heavy Industry are the ones that present theIdeal eco-system for an event such as AeroDef Manufacturing.

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Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Choma - IICC New Delhi, Haryana, l-Indja Choma - IICC New Delhi, Haryana, l-Indja


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