
The New York Produce Show And Conference 2024

Il-Wirja U l-Konferenza tal-Prodott ta 'New York
From December 10, 2024 until December 12, 2024
New York - Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, New York, l-Istati Uniti
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
Tags: Frott

New York Produce Show & Conference -

Enjoy the best of networking, education & innovation. North America's biggest produce buying center. In a city of world-class standards, a world class event. Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel. Eastern Produce Council. Produce Business Magazine. New York Produce Show and ConferenceHighlights. Thank you to our Sponsors for the 2023 Show & Conference. Co-Located Conferences. What industry leaders say about the NY Produce Show.

Wirja tal-Kummerċ: 11 ta’ Diċembru, 2024Konferenzi u Tours: 10-12 ta’ Diċembru.

Jekk jogħġbok ċempelna fuq 212-426-2218 għal opportunitajiet ta' wirja u sponsorizzazzjoni jew ibgħat email hawn.


L-opportunità li titgħallem, tiżviluppa relazzjonijiet, u tagħmel negozju.

New York hija belt mimlija ħajja, u mfassla għan-negozju.

This year, the New York Produce Conference will be held at The Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel. It is a luxurious hotel in Manhattan's Times Square. It is the ideal choice for business and leisure travelers, offering comfortable and spacious accommodation, world-class facilities, and impeccable customer service. The show's location allows guests and attendees to easily access top attractions, landmarks, shopping and dining options, as well as entertainment. The Sheraton Times Square Hotel will certainly exceed your expectations.

Providing its membership with networking opportunities in the produce industry. Advancing the sales and awareness of fresh fruits and vegetables and providing its membership with the most relevant, up-to-date information available.

Viżti: 7991

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'The New York Produce Show And Conference

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

New York - Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, New York, l-Istati Uniti New York - Sheraton New York Times Square Hotel, New York, l-Istati Uniti


800 Karattri xellug