
Agave Fest 2024

Agave Fest
From September 05, 2024 until September 07, 2024
Mexico City - World Trade Center Mexico City, Mexico City, Messiku
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Ikel u Xorb

Agave Fest -

Wirja ddedikata għall-promozzjoni ta 'prodotti Agave u prodotti derivati ​​minn Agave: Sotol hija taħlita ta' Raicilla u Bacanora.

THIRTEENTH E EDITIONFrom September 5 to 7, 2024Exhibition dedicated to the promotion of Agave products and agave-derived products:Sotol is a mixture of Raicilla and Bacanora.Recover and distribute the products that are generated by the distillation of Agave.This is an opportunity for retailers and hospitality professionals to meet with producers and distributors and do business.The distillates and derivatives from the agave are available at the points of sale and consumption centres.Who exhibits at the exhibition?Reps. of regions and producers of specialized foods and beveragesAgave and Agave Distillate ProducersAgave Product Marketing CompaniesProducers of organic alcohol based on AgaveProducers and distributors of Agave honeyArtisanal Products with Agave (chocolates and breads, sauces, papers, etc.).Exporters of Agave ProductsAccessories (glasses, bottles, etc.)Cocktail Schools and ProfessionalsAgave specialistsBuysAlcoholic beverage storesGift ShopsSupermarketsDepartment storesCanteens and barsRestaurants and bistrosCorporate event organizersChefs and banquetersGastronomy schoolsDistributors and wholesalers for distilled spirits and winesImporters and Exporters of Distillates, Wines and SpiritsInvestmentsCost per m2 : $4,500 including VATStand of 2x2 (four m2), $18,000 including VATStand of 3x2 (six m2) $27,000 including VATStand of 4x2 (8m2) 36,000 VAT includedTable $9,000 with VAT includedIncluded: black screens, lighting and general carpeting. Business name on the marquee. Complete details in the Exhibitor Directory. *RESERVE A STAND.

Viżti: 7328

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali tal-Agave Fest

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Mexico City - World Trade Center Mexico City, Mexico City, Messiku Mexico City - World Trade Center Mexico City, Mexico City, Messiku


Mayra colin villaverde
informacion para stands y participar en el evento
buenas noches deseo informacion para participar fl-avveniment u exponer il-prodott huwa tequila organico si għandha kost u li d-dokumenti jkunu meħtieġa meta jibda u jtemm l-avveniment għal favur.
Maribel Vega
Informazzjoni għal stands
Buenas tardes quisiera saber qué se requiere para poder participar en su evento, así como los costos. Grazzi.

800 Karattri xellug