
Il-Fiera tal-Ilbies għall-Irġiel 2024

Il-Fiera tal-Irġiel
From August 11, 2024 until August 12, 2024
Vejle - The DGI House, Vejle, Reġjun Syddanmark, id-Danimarka
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)
kategoriji: Apparel & Ħwejjeġ
Tags: ħwejjeġ

Herretøjsmessen | Nord-Fair messen i Vejle | Ikkuntattja għal informazzjoni

​The menswear fair is a distribution fair which gives buyers and suppliers the opportunity to meet in informal and cozy conditions with a focus on the new collections.

The fair functions as the exhibitors' showroom for the two days, and the buyers typically show up with established agreements prior to the fair. The code word is business, and the fair meets the need to make efficient and targeted purchases. It's easy and saves a lot of time and costs.

The fair is held twice a year and is a closed trade fair. At the fair, a mix of fashion for the mature target group is shown, and there are both suppliers of accessories and total concepts as well as specialists. The group of exhibitors includes both Danish agents and Danish clothing manufacturers as well as foreign brands without agents.​.

​We serve a free fair buffet for exhibitors and buyers as well as free coffee and tea...

There is free parking and free access to the fair.

Pre-registration gives you free access to the fair. Send an email to [protett bl-email] u ddikjara l-jum(i) taż-żjara u n-numru ta’ persuna(i).

Għandek xi ħaġa f'moħħok? Jew mistoqsijiet dwar il-prezzijiet, stands disponibbli,

listi tal-esibituri eċċ., Int naturalment dejjem mistieden tikkuntattjana.

Aħna lesti li nisimgħu dwar l-ideat tiegħek u nagħtu pariri bbażati fuq il-bżonnijiet tiegħek.

Mill-ewwel fiera fl-1972, żviluppajna kunċett li huwa faċilment adattat għall-klijent individwali. Dan ifisser li bnejna esperjenza unika permezz tat-twettiq ta’ aktar minn 600 fiera.

Viżti: 7143

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali tal-Fiera tal-Ħwejjeġ tal-Irġiel

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Vejle - The DGI House, Vejle, Reġjun Syddanmark, id-Danimarka Vejle - The DGI House, Vejle, Reġjun Syddanmark, id-Danimarka


800 Karattri xellug