
Infa Lino 2024

Infa Lino
From October 12, 2024 until October 13, 2024
Hanover - Deutsche Messe AG, Lower Saxony, il-Ġermanja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)


Infalino, the baby fair. Shopping from A-Z! There is a CHILD of the City! Families service. Forums and Advice. Marketplace for handmade products. A festival for children with lots of attractions. Magic nails, chips and other exhibitors will be there in 2023. Sewing Machine Center.

The infalino is the big trade fair for expectant parents, young families and grandparents with many exciting exhibitors as well as a comprehensive lecture and information program. Infalino has everything young parents need to prepare for their baby's first year.

Are you expecting or have you just had a child? You shouldn't miss it, as the offer from more than 40 exhibitors is unique! Infalino is a great place for young parents to find everything they need during their baby's first year.

Qed tfittex l-affarijiet bażiċi għas-sigurtà tat-tarbija tiegħek? Tista' ssib mudelli ta' strollers minn ditti rinomati bħal Bugaboo u CYBEX.

Tista 'wkoll tikkonsulta ma' esperti li għandhom għarfien estensiv biex jgħinuk tagħżel l-aħjar prodotti.

Infalino jipprovdi firxa ta' servizzi lill-ġenituri, sabiex tkun tista' tgawdi ż-żjara tiegħek fil-fiera kummerċjali.

Wirja tal-kummerċ tista 'tkun stressanti għal ħafna nies, iżda speċjalment ommijiet żgħażagħ. ROSSMANN, katina Ġermaniża ta’ ħwienet tad-droga, tisponsorja ikel organiku għat-trabi b’xejn fil-“Futterbar” tagħha. Joffri wkoll servizzi addizzjonali bħal kmamar tat-tibdil b’tagħmir speċjali u ħrieqi b’xejn. Se tkun disponibbli nursing lounge.

Infalino can answer all the questions that young and expectant parents may have! Infalino's lecture forum is a place where renowned experts can answer your questions about everything from baby health to nutrition, allergies, childhood illnesses, and baby care.

Viżti: 6209

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Please register at the official website of Infa Lino

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Hanover - Deutsche Messe AG, Lower Saxony, il-Ġermanja Hanover - Deutsche Messe AG, Lower Saxony, il-Ġermanja


800 Karattri xellug