
Il-Fiera l-Kbira Divertiment 2025

Il-Fiera l-Kbira Divertiment
From February 12, 2025 until February 16, 2025
Hanover - Deutsche Messe AG, Lower Saxony, il-Ġermanja
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)

Fatti u Figuri

Theme Worlds ABF 2024. Theme Worlds ABF-2024 Themes of the B.I.G. 2024. B.I.G. | BUILDING. INTERIEUR. GARDEN.

The Hanover exhibition grounds were THE place to be for travel enthusiasts, sportsmen, car fans, cyclists, and caravanning enthusiasts from 31 January 2024 until 4 February 2024. Parallel to the ABF is the B.I.G. (Building. Interieur. Garden.) Around 150 exhibitors participated in the trade fair. Trade fair duo provides the ideal stage for your product or service.

Stand konġunt: Pajjiżi Nordiċi, Ivvjaġġar Attiv u Avventura, Bagalji u Aċċessorji, Kampeġġi, Arti Kulinari.

DCC huwa s-sieħeb ideali tiegħek għal karavans u motorhomes.

Test drive a wide range of vehicles, including many brands.

Siti tal-ikkampjar u fornituri tal-ivvjaġġar, vannijiet tal-kaxxa u vannijiet tal-ikkampjar, tined, prodotti u aċċessorji tal-ikkampjar. Informazzjoni u pariri. Teknoloġija u tagħmir.

Bike & accessories, navigation, automobiles, micro-vehicles (electric), mobility concepts, charging technology, accessories.

Sport stores and sporting goods manufacturers. Trend sports, health, clubs, associations, water sports. Clothing & equipment.

The B.I.G. The B.I.G. You will receive comprehensive and reliable information from building contractors, developers, insurers, and financiers.

Anyone who wants a new look for their home or apartment, whether it is elegant or rustic, will find the perfect place to do so. B.I.G. You will find a wide selection of upholstered furnishings, beds, tables, chairs, kitchens and accessories at B.I.G.

Viżti: 6509

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta 'The Big Fair Leisure

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Hanover - Deutsche Messe AG, Lower Saxony, il-Ġermanja Hanover - Deutsche Messe AG, Lower Saxony, il-Ġermanja


800 Karattri xellug