
Festival tal-Kompjuter u l-Komunikazzjoni ta’ Ħong Kong 2024

Festival tal-Kompjuter u l-Komunikazzjoni f'Hong Kong
From August 23, 2024 until August 26, 2024
Ħong Kong - Ċentru ta' Konvenzjoni u Wirjiet ta' Ħong Kong, Ħong Kong, Hongkong
(+ 852) 8100 6471
(Jekk jogħġbok iċċekkja darbtejn id-dati u l-post fuq is-sit uffiċjali hawn taħt qabel ma tattendi.)


Hong Kong Computer Chamber of Commerce, a non-profit organization for the computer industry, was founded on July 24, 1998. The Chamber of Commerce consisted of 10 senior professionals in the industry at first. It has over 500 members today, including companies in the fields of computer production, wholesale, retailing, support services and software and hardware development. Members include multinational companies. Members include small, medium and large enterprises as well as their agents.

Il-Kamra tal-Kummerċ tal-Kompjuter ta 'Ħong Kong ġiet stabbilita biex ittejjeb il-komunikazzjoni fi ħdan l-industrija. Timmira wkoll li tiġbor is-saħħa tal-industrija tal-kompjuter u tippromwovi l-kultura tal-kompjuter. L-Assoċjazzjoni tan-Negozjanti tal-Kompjuter ta 'Ħong Kong tassumi wkoll ir-rwol ta' "l-ilsien ta 'l-industrija" u tieħu fuqha nnifisha li tistabbilixxi pont ta' komunikazzjoni mad-dipartimenti tal-gvern u l-pari tagħha sabiex tfittex il-benesseri pubbliku f'isem il-membri tagħha.

The Association has been involved in a number of activities since its founding, including the "Hong Kong Computer Festival", "Thousand People Computer Building Show", which set a Guinness World Record and "Hong Kong Computer Festival", held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. The "Communications Festival", which achieves the Association's goal to promote the development of Hong Kong information technology and information technology education has been recognized by all parties.

The Hong Kong Computer Chamber of Commerce was established in 1989. Its mission is to promote the growth of the computer industry, and to establish connections with government agencies and organizations.

Viżti: 19238

Irreġistra għall-biljetti jew kabini

Jekk jogħġbok irreġistra fuq il-websajt uffiċjali ta' Hong Kong Computer and Communications Festival

Mappa tal-post u Lukandi Madwar

Ħong Kong - Ċentru ta' Konvenzjoni u Wirjiet ta' Ħong Kong, Ħong Kong, Hongkong Ħong Kong - Ċentru ta' Konvenzjoni u Wirjiet ta' Ħong Kong, Ħong Kong, Hongkong


Cell Phones & Kompjuters
inħobb nikseb Aġenzija għat-Telefowns Ċellulari u l-Kompjuters
jekk jogħġbok għarrafna għal fabbriki tajbin

Il-viżitaturi kienu l-aktar nattivi ta ’Ħong Kong, mhux ħafna barranin

800 Karattri xellug